urn:noticeable:projects:TmUTYtrz3zRm9FwYQQA7SpiritMe Updatesspiritme.tech2022-12-01T13:03:04.186ZCopyright © SpiritMeNoticeablehttps://storage.noticeable.io/projects/TmUTYtrz3zRm9FwYQQA7/newspages/UxzChIQu2RtGJ0ERc31M/01h55ta3gsxz446ykcarpe21qm-header-logo.jpghttps://storage.noticeable.io/projects/TmUTYtrz3zRm9FwYQQA7/newspages/UxzChIQu2RtGJ0ERc31M/01h55ta3gsxz446ykcarpe21qm-header-logo.jpg#de007aurn:noticeable:publications:czvoTOWfWYneTygobKJi2022-12-01T13:00:05.672Z2022-12-01T13:03:04.186ZHere is how we disrupt the digital influencers' marketHave you ever wanted to be an influencer? From now on it is as easy as never before. We have developed a year offer that is a real game-changer in the digital influencers’ market. And it is now in public beta! Whether you just want to...<div class="iframe youtube" data-id="UwCW1kPsTTM" data-provider="youtube"><iframe allow="fullscreen; autoplay *; encrypted-media *; accelerometer; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/UwCW1kPsTTM?rel=0&amp;showinfo=0"></iframe></div><p>Have you ever wanted to be an influencer? From now on it is as easy as never before. We have developed a year offer that is a real game-changer in the digital influencers’ market. And it is now in public beta!</p><p>Whether you just want to improve your digital presence or you are already an influencer, we can make your life so much easier and your content way cooler.&nbsp;</p><p>So if you’ve had doubts or fears – say no more!&nbsp; Once you’ve made your digital avatar, you can simply type the text – and the AI will create the video with you saying the words you’ve typed. The lazy influencer? The smart one!&nbsp;</p><p>So, here is the world's easiest guide on “How to be an influencer”:</p><ol><li><p>First, you need an iPhone and 5 minutes to create your digital avatar</p></li><li><p>Then, you type the text for the video, and AI will do all the rest</p></li><li><p>Yes, you just type the text and we create the voice and the video with you talking</p></li><li><p>And imagine, you can create videos in different languages! (but please don't forget to translate the text first)</p></li><li><p>Publish and enjoy your fame ;)</p></li></ol><p>As we are now in public beta, you can already try.</p><p>Please note, that as we are in early access, we continue making changes and adding new features. But now you can enjoy the best prices.&nbsp;</p><p>We hope you are ready to have some fun and become a digital influencer. Fame may not be easy, but at least content creation is. Enjoy yourself!</p>Nikita Bogdanovteam@spiritme.tech